Profile of Kiwamu Maki

Profile of Kiwamu MAKI

Who are you?

_NowPrinting.jpg写真のキャプションを入力します。I graduated from Nagoya Univ. (Department of architecture)
I graduated from master and doctor course of Tokyo Institute of Technology (Department of social developmental engineering).
Dr. of Engineering
Prof. of Jissen Women's University now.

What's your subject?

_NowPrinting.jpg写真のキャプションを入力します。Color science for color design, especially color harmony.
Environmental psychology, especially people's appraisal of streetscapes, interiors, and other milieu.

What's your favorite building or city?

_NowPrinting.jpg写真のキャプションを入力します。I've visited Venice six times. It is one of the best city for stay. It has good cuisine, fun of walking around the city, histrical culture, art and music, finding goods for sourvenir.
My name card has a photograph of building I love on it. The series of the buildings of past name card are Tempiet, Saint Calro Quatro Fontane, Chapell of forest, House of Marpalte.

he buildings I love